librarian of congress造句
- As librarian of congress , i oversee the many thousands of dedicated staff who acquire , catalog , preserve , and make available library collections within our three buildings on capitol hill and over the internet
作为一个图书馆馆长,我的职责是对在国会的三幢建筑内和互联网上对图书进行取材,编录,保存和收藏有用图书的馆员进行上千次的观察。 - It's difficult to see librarian of congress in a sentence. 用librarian of congress造句挺难的
如何用librarian of congress造句,用librarian of congress造句,librarian of congress in a sentence, 用librarian of congress造句和librarian of congress的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。